11 April 2014

Thief Monetary System (Also Hello!)

Hi, and welcome to 3:33!  If you don't get the reference, you need to stop what you are doing and go play Eternal Darkness.  Go on.  I'll wait.

Now that that's outta the way, let's get started!

For once, I am actually really happy with the money system in a game.

I've been playing Thief (PS4), and where some games you end up with way too much gold to bother with or are constantly farming for it just to get basic supplies... Thief seems to have struck a great balance in my opinion.  Yes, you can replay chapters for gold if you come up short, but you can always afford the necessities.  There are also REALLY cool upgrades that you have to prioritize your spending for, because you probably aren't going to be able to afford everything unless you are seriously putting WAY too many hours into listening about Polly Adler's fancy perfume.

That fucking perfume.

Anyways, I've been pretty thrilled about the spending system.  The one thing I wish could be changed is the fact that you can only get the wrench and the wire cutters from one vendor (Or maybe two?  The same vendor, in two places? Who can tell).  So should you elect to spend your money on rope arrows and not a wrench at the start of the game, then find yourself on the other goddamn side of the map and needing to get into a vent, well, you're boned.

Go listen about Polly Adler some more, because you have an awfully long trek back to the Crippled Burrick or Siren's Rest.

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