04 November 2014

Watch Me Play The Evil Within!


I kinda suck at it.  But I'm getting better, I swear.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

22 October 2014

The Evil Within Picture Post

(No spoilers, because this was pretty much all in the trailer)

(Did we just walk into Outlast?)


(City's fucked.)

 (Y'ALL are fucked)

 (Errybody fucked)

(Who dat) 


 (Seriously I'd just move)

(Wait are there zombies in this game) 

 (Guys there might be zombies in this game)


The Evil Within Twitch Troubles and Other Things

Sup bitches?

It's been a REALLY long time since I could sit down and game.  Like an obscenely long time.  Last I remember, I was playing Remember Me, and Burial at Sea, and then...all of a sudden... it all went dark.  I must have disappeared for weeks, months?  All I know is here I am, with a copy of The Evil Within in my hands, and I can feel life breathing back into me.

No, but really, I've been super busy.

A lot has happened that I'm not going to bore folks with, but I've been in a big cloudy haze of stress.  Last night my friend popped over to get some help with her jewelry, and instead of helping me pack, she came bearing gifts of Chinese take out and an insistence that we play my new game.  She'd been watching it on Youtube and she was dying to see me play it.

So we did.

And it.



I only got about a half hour in before screaming baby, husband going off to work, and mind-wrecking anxiety kicked in, but I DID IT.  And I'm going to play it more TONIGHT!  :D

(My "let's do this" face.)

I did get several more screenshots to share with y'all, which I will post up here just as soon as I get 'em off the PS4.  Which is currently taking half an hour to transfer two videos to USB storage.

Which brings me to my next point...

Phone internet fucking sucks.

For the next 2-3 weeks I still live out in the boonies, which means I have no internet.  "BUT SATELLITE INTERNET" scream the masses.  Nope.  Did you know satellite internet providers sometimes limit the number of users per area they will provide to?  Totes true.  Did you know they also go by stupid-long contracts that are useless if you're about to move in a few weeks?  Also true, I swear.  Did you know their speeds also blow chunks?  I'm not lying, y'all.

Anyways, I've been using tethered internet from my phone when I absolutely need it.  It's great up until 5gb, but has a tendency to clip out a lot thanks to, you know, being out in the middle of nowhere.  So it works for streaming TV if you pause it a bunch to buffer.  But it does not work so well for streaming uploads like Twitch.

So I haven't been too Twitchy lately.

But I will be.

Because the new house is IN town and has BADASS internet options that will let me chop my phone bill in half and just use wifi 24/7.

I'm so psyched.

(My "need internet now" face.)

So for now I'm recording my gameplay and I'll upload as I can to Youtube for folks to watch me fumble around in Evil Land.  When I get further into the game, I'll also, talk about it, or something, too.

Much with the talking.

K, bye.


02 May 2014

The In-Between Time

Okay, yes, I COULD play the other two bits of Bioshock Infinite DLC that are just waiting for me, but I don't wanna.  Why?  Because Outlast: Whistleblower comes out in just a few days and I'll only have nine days to play it before I whoosh away out of town, so I don't really wanna delve into the heartwrenching cerebral fornication that is Bioshock right beforehand.

It's the in-between time.

The palate-cleansing that is dabbling in Mercenary Kings (stupidly, inexplicably addictive, also boob-jiggle) helps.  Also there was the little add-on level Bank Heist for Thief, which kind of wasn't worth the money, but hey, extra gameplay!  And...boob...jiggle?


No batmanboobjiggle.

But there WAS this:
That's right, bitches.
Every.  Single.  GODDAMN.  ASH.  FUCKING.  TRAY.

Oh, and while we're talking about Thief, here, have a floating pipe (because I am an EXPERT at breaking this game and all other technology):
You found a PIPE!

Hey by the way.  PS4 dropped some mad share updates to the system pretty recently, so there's that to tinker with, too.  And tinker I did.  Not only can you save things to a USB now, which is a HUGE improvement since Facebook and Twitter are not, in fact, the only social platforms out there, you can now archive streaming sessions, tweak the amount of time the PS4 records gameplay automatically, edit/add commentary/splice videos in SHAREfactory, and adjust a host of other settings system-wide.

Check out a summary of the updates on the Playstation blog here, and the specific details of version 1.70 can be found right here.

So, of course, I made this:

I like it.

I like it a lot.

This shall provide me with entertainment while I await my beloved Whistleblower.

Last but not least, remember how I said I was getting some aftermarket grips to compensate for Peely McPeelerson the Controller?  I did, and they rule.  (I know the left one looks like it isn't sitting straight, but it settled down after playing. I didn't remove the torn up rubber from the Dualshock before popping it on there.)

O'Plaza grips, bought through Amazon here

I'm ready for you, Whistleblower.  I'm done in-betweening.  I'm ready for a commitment.  Let's do this.  Let's run away together.



14 April 2014

Adventures in Camera Phones and Zappy Guns


Seriously, I forgot how fucking annoying it is to have someone following you around.  Listen, bitch, YOU may be invisible to turrets and immune to gunfire, but I am a mere mortal, and I do not like being cornered with enemies present.


In other news:
I learned how to take cell phone pictures of my TV!
Because who needs screen capture?

It was a long few minutes, really, trying to figure out how to not take a poopy cell phone picture of the screen.  For instance, there was this really cool anglerfish, and being the bio-nerd that I am, I got a great picture of it:

 But not before getting THIS PICTURE OF IT:

So anyways.  I am really, really happy to discover that the DLC lets you have multiple gun types again, instead of just swapping between whatever two you happen to prefer/ammo is available for/you most recently picked up off a dead guy.  Except for the fact that I keep throwing plasmid blasts every time I jump (thanks, Thief), I really like having a turn wheel for each weapon.  I missed that, you know?  Good stuff.  And while we're talking about weapons, can I just say that I LOVE this guy:

You been zapped, boyo.

And after you zap them they turn into a BLOODY MIST!!!  I love it!
I haven't been this happy since I got the Bloody Mess perk in Fallout 3!

And one last thing to say for now, but not least...

Never open safes.

They are just never worth the fucking lockpicks, and they never have been.

You did not seriously just lock up your GIN AND FLASK in a super-tough-to-open safe.  You, my dear Splicer, have a fucking drinking problem,

and I hate you.

13 April 2014

Dualshock 4 Controller

I was unaware that the rubber on Dualshock analog sticks is basically doomed.  But it is.

Our left analog stick looks like this:

So yeah, that happened.

We are looking at trying aftermarket grips to see if that helps.  Sony...what are you doing.  Seriously.  I gave you so much money.  You can't give me a controller that doesn't fall apart right off the bat?

11 April 2014

Starting Up Bioshock Infinite DLC: Burial At Sea Ep.1

(If you haven't played the first three Bioshock games [1, 2, and Infinite], THIS WILL INCLUDE SPOILERS...maybe)

I just went out of town this week (tue-thur) for a workshop for my job, so unfortunately, when my husband informed me he was downloading DLC for Bioshock Infinite AS WE SPOKE back on Monday, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a desire to BASH HIM OVER THE HEAD BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO GET TO PLAY IT BEFORE ME.

That cannot be allowed.

Fortunately, he was also stuck watching the baby fulltime while I was gone and going to work to boot, so I am, in fact, getting to play it first.

Things have a way of working out, you know?

So I'm just starting to sink my teeth into the first part he downloaded - Burial at Sea, Episode 1.  For the sake of brevity, let's call it BASE1.  Alphabet soup, and whatnot.

I find it a little unnerving that I have no idea going into it how long it is, what exactly the situation is with Booker, why Elizabeth is playing out the classic, sexy-smoking-lady-walks-into-a-private-investigator's-office-and-leads-him-on-a-mysterious-mission scenario...

Photo from here
I mean, I'm going into this with NO heads up on what the story or gameplay will be like, except that it takes place in Rapture.  Don't know why Booker is there.  Don't know why an Elizabeth is leading him on a quest to find someone that is and isn't his daughter.  Don't know how long this chapter will be, or which game's mechanics it will pull from.

It's exciting and wonderful and nerve-wracking.

I got as far as meandering my way (I always go non-plot first) toward the ice plasmid before my 360 froze, though, so unfortunately I haven't made it too far in.  Already I am loving seeing Sander Cohen in his "prime" (yep, still crazay), and the interesting merging of BS1 and BSI features (skyhooks, "constants and variables," splicers, voice boxes, etc.).  I don't know what timeline we are in, but it doesn't feel terribly forced that Rapture is not quite how we remember it because of that premise.

The one thing I am really, really getting annoyed with, especially because my 360 is a big fan of freezing, is the inability to manually save.  On one hand, you've got me marathon playing it whenever possible because if I close it I have to COMPLETELY research the entire area.  I mean, did I find that lockpick before, or after the autosave?  How many corners had coins sitting in them that I had already collected, that are now waiting for me again?  How many turrets did I circumvent to get gear that now I have to go back and do again?

Besides, babies mean setting down the game, a LOT.  It means I need to be able to play fifteen minutes, save, and shut off the game so it doesn't just sit there cooking while I try to get little boy back to bed.I need to be able to save, homies.

Anyhoo, because this is on the 360, I do not have a way to record or screenshot for you guys, or I would.  I am still messing around on Thief, though, at least until the Outlast DLC releases, so bear with me.


Thief Monetary System (Also Hello!)

Hi, and welcome to 3:33!  If you don't get the reference, you need to stop what you are doing and go play Eternal Darkness.  Go on.  I'll wait.

Now that that's outta the way, let's get started!

For once, I am actually really happy with the money system in a game.

I've been playing Thief (PS4), and where some games you end up with way too much gold to bother with or are constantly farming for it just to get basic supplies... Thief seems to have struck a great balance in my opinion.  Yes, you can replay chapters for gold if you come up short, but you can always afford the necessities.  There are also REALLY cool upgrades that you have to prioritize your spending for, because you probably aren't going to be able to afford everything unless you are seriously putting WAY too many hours into listening about Polly Adler's fancy perfume.

That fucking perfume.

Anyways, I've been pretty thrilled about the spending system.  The one thing I wish could be changed is the fact that you can only get the wrench and the wire cutters from one vendor (Or maybe two?  The same vendor, in two places? Who can tell).  So should you elect to spend your money on rope arrows and not a wrench at the start of the game, then find yourself on the other goddamn side of the map and needing to get into a vent, well, you're boned.

Go listen about Polly Adler some more, because you have an awfully long trek back to the Crippled Burrick or Siren's Rest.